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Wan Ahmad Fayz is an designer, photographer and artist from Manjung, Perak. RAWK! welcome to his personal blog, where you can explore his everyday life, uncensored!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

fayz n kyra


ita citot said...

cun a weh gmbo korang nih (^_^)

.:iEyaaYaya:. said...


cube teka ape tu?

hidayahzulkfli said...

very sweet and cute ;))
may god bless both of u ;))

kynakynsella said...

gedik santai. hahhaha

F A Y Z said...

ilymtyk ?

i love you more than you k.

F A Y Z said...

kyna : santai gedik

mIss ♡ AtuL said...

sweet..hopefully apy ending..

mIss ♡ AtuL said...


.:iEyaaYaya:. said...

syg i love you more than you know la

k tu ape?

F A Y Z said...

awk yg tnye sy hr 2 kn ?
cer tgk komen kt ats 2.

.:iEyaaYaya:. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
F A Y Z said...

k 2 oke la